
蓬塔卡纳(Punta Cana)

蓬塔卡纳位于多米尼加共和国东端,处于大西洋与加勒比海的交汇处,是独一无二的旅游胜地。高耸的棕榈树和 50 公里的白沙滩海岸线延绵不绝,清澈的海水泛着粼粼波光。

蓬塔卡纳(Punta Cana)酒店

a pool area with buildings and trees
a pool with a building and lounge chairs
a water park with a slide and a pool
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a beach with palm trees and umbrellas
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
  • 儿童俱乐部
a pool with tables and chairs
a pool with chairs and umbrellas by a bar
a pool with lounge chairs and umbrellas in front of a building
a pool with lounge chairs and a bar
a pool and a building with straw umbrellas
  • 高尔夫球场
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
a pool with lounge chairs and a building in the background
a pool with lounge chairs and umbrellas
a group of palm trees on a beach
a pool with a thatched roof and chairs
a room with a large screen and chairs
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
  • 家庭房
a pool with palm trees and a fountain
a beach with palm trees and umbrellas
a beach with tables and chairs and palm trees
a room with a large area with furniture and tables
a group of houses with palm trees and a body of water
  • 高尔夫球场
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
a pool with lounge chairs and umbrellas
a pool with palm trees and umbrellas
a room with a large ceiling and a large chandelier
a bar with a counter and chairs
a beach with palm trees and chairs
  • 健康计划
  • 瑜伽课程
  • 水疗

目的地一价全包 (Destination Inclusive® ) 式体验


Cocotal Golf & Country Club 高尔夫乡村俱乐部

a beach with chairs and umbrellas
a golf course with water and trees
a man in an apron at a bar
a balcony with a table and chairs overlooking a beach
a man and boy on a boat


  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential