
Hotéis em Sitges

Belas fachadas modernistas adornam a orla marítima desta antiga vila de pescadores no nordeste da Espanha. Os 4 quilómetros de costa banhada pelo Mediterrâneo incluem o Parque Garraf, uma área natural protegida com percursos pedestres únicos.

Os nossos hotéis em Sitges

a pool with lounge chairs and a building with a body of water
a pool with a deck and canopy chairs and palm trees
a long counter with chairs and a table with a light fixture
a room with white pillars and art on the wall
a room with chairs and a plant
  • Centro de bem-estar
  • Ginásio aberto 24 horas
  • Programa de experiências
a large building with a pool and trees
a building with lights on it
a lobby with a counter and elevator
a hallway with a door and railing
a lobby with couches and tables
  • Ginásio
  • Eventos
  • Salas de reunião
a body of water with a body of water and a building in the background
a stone alleyway with stone buildings and a lamp post
a white building with a stone arch and windows
a rainbow flag from a balcony
a beach with buildings and palm trees

Conheça nossas marcas

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential